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- 2020.02.18 IBK Global Homepage Promotion
Soon we will land at the Incheon Airport. I came to Korea It's still difficult Global homepage I came to Korea I have no money Global homepage I have a mobile phone I can understand It's done easily easy Global Homepage homepage easy easy easy homepage Compliance Officer Passed Deliberation 2019-6028(2019.12.12) Expiration Date: 2019.12.12 - 2020.12.11 Precautions ※For more information about individual products, please visit the Trading Branch or contact IBK Customer Center (1566-2566) ※If there are objections to bank transactions, you may request resolutions to the dispute handling organization of the IBK Industrial Bank or apply for conflict arbitrations through the Financial Dispute Resolution Board. (Financial Supervisory Service: 1332 without national code number., IBK Industrial Bank of Korea: 080-800-0119) 참!좋은은행 IBK 기업은행 참! 좋은 은행 IBK 기업은행 준법감시인 심의필 제2019-6028호(2019.12.12) 게시기한(2020.12.11) ※ 개별 상품에 관한 자세한 문의는 거래영업점 또는 IBK고객센터(☎1566-2566)를 이용하여 주시기 바랍니다. ※ 은행거래와 관련하여 이의가 있을 때에는 IBK기업은행의 분쟁처리기구에 해결을 요구하거나 금융분쟁조정위원회 등을 통하여 분쟁조정을 신청할 수 있습니다.(금융감독원 : 국번없이 ☎1332, IBK기업은행 : ☎080-800-0119)