Industrial Bank of Korea

IBK, your financial partner
for a better future.

Products Info.
Product Overview
Deposit and withdrawal type bank account with various fee exemptions and preferential exchange rate privilege benefits.
Product Features
Various benefits such as fee exemptions and preferential exchange rate with 2 or more bank transactions (payroll transfer, direct transfer, credit card, etc.)
Individuals with real names (except for individual businesses, 1 account per person)
Product Type
Savings with unrestricted deposit and withdrawal
Enrollment Period
Enrollment Amount
Preferential Benefits
  • ① Fee Exemption : IBK ATM fee, other bank ATM withdrawal fee, bankbook re-issuance fee, check card additional issuance fee
  • ② Preferential Exchange Rate : Foreign currency exchange 70% preferential rate
Depositor Protection Status
  • In the case the contents of the products are changed or suspended due to the circumstances of the bank, the related matters such as the reasons and contents to be changed or suspended will be posted one month before the implementation date (or the suspension date) on the bank branch and the bank website for one month. For preferential benefits changes, the changed content will be effective for customers who enroll after the date of the change.
  • This deposit is protected by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation under the Depositor Protection Act, but the protection limit per person of the sum of the principal and fixed interest of all of your financial assets subject to deposit protection in this bank is "maximum 50 million won", and any remaining amount over the 50 million won is not protected.
  • For more information on individual products, please contact a bank branch or the IBK Customer Center (1588-2566).
  • In the event of any disputes relating to banking transactions, you can request resolution at the dispute settlement organization of IBK or apply for dispute mediation through the Financial Disputes Mediation Committee, etc.
    (Financial Supervisory Service: 1332 without an area code, IBK: 080-800-0119)
  • IBK does not accept money, valuables or entertainment. Please report any violation of ethical management or improvement that is needed.
    (Financial Supervisory Service: 1332 without area code, IBK: 080-800-0119)
Law-abiding monitor review passed:
Expiration Date:
2019.02.20 - 2020.02.13
2019.02.20 Current Standard