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Emergency Calls

Immediate and proper treatment in case of an emergency is crucial. In case of emergency, provide basic first aid treatment (if applicable), and call 119 (Emergency Rescue) or a nearby hospital for specialized and comprehensive care

First Aid
Foreign Object (solid) in the Eye
Moving your eye can cause more serious damage to your eyes. Do not attempt to remove the object by yourself. Bandage the affected eye(s), and close both of your eyes. Go to the hospital immediately for treatment.
Broken or Pulled Out Tooth
Holding the tooth gently in your mouth, visit a dentist immediately. If the tooth has come out completely, it can also be carried in a container of warm milk. It is not advisable to wash the tooth in water.
Tilt your head forward and gently pinch the lower part of your nose. Do not speak, swallow, or cough. Go to see a doctor if you are still bleeding after ten minutes. Even after the bleeding stops, keep your head down for awhile and carefully wash your face with warm water. Avoid touching or bumping your nose.
In the event of a serious burn or a burn covering a wide area, dress the wound with sterilized gauze and go to the hospital immediately. While waiting to see a doctor, check for irregular breathing, which could indicate serious complications. For small burns, remove the clothes from around the affected area, cutting them with scissors if necessary to avoid contact with the burn, and run the burn under cool water for at least 20 minutes. Do not rub the wound or break any blisters. Apply Vaseline or an antibiotic ointment to protect the wound. Keep the wounded area above heart level to reduce pain.
Electric Shock
Immediately cut the power from the object to reduce the time of shock and prevent additional shocks. When this is not possible, wear clothes and gloves that do not conduct electricity, and rescue the affected person by removing the cause of the shock from his/her body. Check the breathing and pulse of the victim and make sure that he/she is conscious. Perform artificial respiration on him/her and CPR (heart massage) if needed. An electric shock can cause an internal burn, even when the victim seems to be okay. Take the victim to the hospital immediately.
Sunstroke and Heatstroke
Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunstroke. Heatstroke occurs when a person becomes overheated and cannot cool down. Move the affected person to a cool and shaded place. Remove excess clothing, cover the person with a wet towel and fan him/her until the patient gets to the hospital.
Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunstroke. Heatstroke occurs when a person becomes overheated and cannot cool down. Move the affected person to a cool and shaded place. Remove excess clothing, cover the person with a wet towel and fan him/her until the patient gets to the hospital.
Broken Bone
In the event of a dislocated or broken bone, sterilize the affected area, place the injured in a comfortable position and call rescue personnel. Do not try to set the bone yourself, but instead, elevate the wounded area above heart level by propping it up on a blanket or pillow. In the event of a simple strain, bandage the wound widely and tightly with an elastic bandage, and limit movement. Apply an ice pack to help alleviate pain.
Severed Fingers or Toes
A dismembered finger or toe can be reattached if properly taken care of. Stop bleeding by applying pressure to the wound and elevating it above heart level. Wrap the finger or toe in gauze, put it in a plastic bag with ice, and bring it to the hospital along with the patient. Avoid touching the severed end.

This information is also available at, the multicultural family support portal website Danuri. Please note that the information is current as of April 2018; information is subject to change without notice.

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