Industrial Bank of Korea

IBK, your financial partner
for a better future.

Credit Ratings

Credit Rating Status of IBK
(As of the end of March 2022)
Credit Rating Status of IBK1
Date National Information & Credit Evaluation Korea Investors Service Korea Ratings Corporation
NICE Korea Investor Service Korea Ratings
Present AAA+ AAA+ AAA+
Credit Rating Status of IBK2
Date Moody's S&P Fitch
Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term
Present Aa2 P1 AA- A-1+ AA- F1+
Credit Rating Status of IBK1
National Information & Credit Evaluation NICE:AAA+
Korea Investors Service Korea Investor Service:AAA+
Korea Ratings Corporation Korea Ratings:AAA+
Credit Rating Status of IBK2
Moody's Long-termAa2
S&P Long-termAA-
Fitch Long-termAA-
Credit Rating Status of Government
(As of the end of March 2022)
Credit Rating Status of Government
Date Moody's S&P Fitch
Long-term Long-term Long-term
Present Aa2 AA AA-
Credit Rating Status of IBK3
Moody's Long-term:Aa2
S&P Long-term:AA-
Fitch Long-term:AA-
  • IBK: 8,120
  • Goverment: 2,052
  • IBK: 9,358
  • Goverment: 2,800
  • IBK: 10,239
  • Goverment: 2,945