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IBK Global Homepage Promotion Soon we will land at the Incheon Airport. I came to Korea It's still difficult Global homepage I came to Korea I have no money Global homepage I have a mobile phone I can understand It's done easily easy Global Homepage homepage easy easy easy homepage Compliance Officer Passed Deliberation 2019-6028(2019.12.12) Expiration Date: 2019.12.12 - 2020.12.11 Precautions ※For more information about individual products, please visit the Trading Branch or contact IBK Customer Center (1566-2566) ※If there are objections to bank transactions, you may request resolutions to the dispute handling organization of the IBK Industrial Bank or apply for conflict arbitrations through the Financial Dispute Resolution Board. (Financial Supervisory Service: 1332 without national code number., IBK Industrial Bank of Korea: 080-800-0119) 참!좋은은행 IBK 기업은행 참! 좋은 은행 IBK 기업은행 준법감시인 심의필 제2019-6028호(2019.12.12) 게시기한(2020.12.11) ※ 개별 상품에 관한 자세한 문의는 거래영업점 또는 IBK고객센터(☎1566-2566)를 이용하여 주시기 바랍니다. ※ 은행거래와 관련하여 이의가 있을 때에는 IBK기업은행의 분쟁처리기구에 해결을 요구하거나 금융분쟁조정위원회 등을 통하여 분쟁조정을 신청할 수 있습니다.(금융감독원 : 국번없이 ☎1332, IBK기업은행 : ☎080-800-0119)
How to use Banking Services Financial Life Guide for Foreigners 1 How to Use Banking Services End Hey, guys. Sean : I am frome the states. Sofani : Hi Iam frome Cambodia. Lipei: I am frome China. Nice meeting you -- Financial Life Guide For Foreigners How to Use Banking Service Today We are going to talk about money We use Dallar in the United States -- Sofani : In Cambodia, Currency unit is Riel Lipei: In China, currency unit is yuan * Today's topic is bank Sofani : In Cambodia, people don't really go to the bank Yeah, People usually keep the money at home Like in a pot or piggy bank I used to put it in the piggy bank I saved money hard, but bugs ate all It is something that really happened to me Safer at Bank than Home! Before I came to korea, I never been to bank before Not even once Yeah, (in Cambodia) We don't really go to bank So I was afraid that my money would be gone if lose bankbook or debit card attached to it Sean : Oh, really? -- Money saved is still safe even if card or bankbook is lost. With ID card they can be easily reissued * Tip If you lose Card or Bankbook. Bring ID card and a stamp used for opening account (can be replaced to Signature) To the Bank, then they can be reissued without any hassle -- Sofani : Sean, have you opened a bank account by yourself? Sean : Not, yet. I am afraid to do it yet Sofani : Sean you should try it again Opening a bank account alone challenge! 1.Get a number ticket 2.follow the instruction of the banker when your number is called Sean : I am here to open an account Staff : you are here to open an account? Then, do you want to get a bankbook and debit card Please repeat what you said once again. Staff : I will guide you though the process showing the application 3.Fill in the blanks of application with the banker Write down the name and add signature or a stamp Then you are all set 4.Pick the password for bankbook and debitcard Make sure you are the only one knowing the password Sean : I made my mind Once you give the finished application, and ID like password or ID card, Completed Opening up an account Completed opening up an account -- *made togerher Using ATM with drbit card with the account 1. Insert Debit Card or the bankbookto th ATM 2. Press withdraw button on the sceen 3. Choose the desired amount of cash to withdraw 4. Pick the password for bankbook and debit card 4. Enter the Pin number 5. Once you get the cash, it's completed! don't fotget to retrieve the debit card ATM supports not only Korean but various languages With desire to do the wire transfer, it can be done as well -- *TIP How to use Online banking smart Online banking starts with getting accredited certificate How to get an accredited certificate 1. Go to accredited certification center page of online banking website. 2. Press issue accredited certificate button 3. Press yes, I agree button 4. Enter account number and pin number for account Enter Resident registration number (for foreigner, enter foreigner registration number) 5. Enter assigned number frim security card or OTP number 6. Lastly enter the password for accredited certificate Now you have bank in your hand anywhere you are with online banking -- sean : i did it. It's relly easy Real time SMS service alerts transaction history Sofani : Is money coming in to the account or going out 후원 금융기관 공동으로 조성한 새희망 힐링펀드 금융감독원
How to Exchange and Send Money Abroad Financial Life Guide for Foreigners 2 How to Exchange and Send Money Abroad End Hey, guys. Sean : I am frome the states. Sofani : Hi Iam frome Cambodia. Lipei: I am frome China. Nice meeting you Financial Life Guide For Foreigners How to Exchange and Send Money Abroad In this month, there is a holiday alled 'Father's in the States Father's day Sean : Every third sunday of June that people celebrate and appreciate fathers But I am here in Korea, So I can't really give him his present What do you do when you have this situation? Sofani : I send fund to my parents during holiday Yeah, I can't really give it to them directly Iwired money via bank Sean: I never wired money to the states yet I think it would be a bit complicated Sofani : It's not complicated at all. You can easily wire money via bank If you haven't done it before, why don't you wire some money to you parents this time? Sean: I need to check the exchange rate first Lipei: Yeap. You need to check the exchange rate first *when it comes to international wire transfer, the most important thing is checking the exchange rate Sofani : If the exchange rate is low, I can send more money to my parents Lipei: Beginning of every semester I need money to be sent to from China to Korea So if the exchange rate is low, my hear hurts so much Sofani : Then why don't we go check the exchange rate? -- What is Exchange rate? It's the price of foreign currency It is value of Won to get each unit of foreign currency If you have to pay 1000Won for 1US dollar, 1000Won is exchange rate of Won-Dollar Since it is about how much money you can send with amount of money you pay When you do the international wire transfer, you need to be aware of the exchange rate! Sean came to bank for exchanging the currency and international wire transfer -- Sean : Hello. Actually, I have 100US dollar. Can i exchange it to Korean Won? Staff : Yes, Of Course Sean : How much Korean Won do i get for that? Staff : You can see it the Exchange rate monitor If you sell 1US dollar, you can see the rate is 1118.09Won on the left side of monitor Sean : Yes, I would like it to be exchanged Once filled simple application with ID card Exchanging currency is successfully done! Staff : Do you have other thing for me to assist you today? Sean: I came here to make a internatioanl wire transfer, I am not sure how to do it. Staff : Where would you like to send the fund to? Sean: To the United States Staff : Did you bring your I.D. with you? Sean: Yes, I did Staff : Then, would you pass me the I.D. and fill in the blanks where there are check marks? Application for International wire transfer Staff : If you send 1,000USD, the remittance charge is 41,000Won Sean : Really? there is remittance charge for that? -- Another thing to watch International remittance charge! Since Korean bank doesn't have account for every foreign banks, Intemediary Bank has to transfer the fund in the middle And it is called as International remittance charge TIP International remittance charge Since international wire transfer usually takes 2to3 days, and different amount of fee can be charged depending on where you send money and how much money you send, therefore it is important to check it ahead of the day for international wire transfer! Staff : This is reciept for your wire transfer today Transaction history is listed here, so please check it if it is correct Sean : this is correct Staff : It will take about 2to3 days Sean : Is it all done now? Staff : Yes, you are all set Sean : I thought it would be really difficult. I'll try to stop by often Staff : Thank you. Please come again -- * TIP previous to the international wire transfer, chsck the exchange rate first Write down the application for wire transfer, and give it to the banker with I.D. card and money to be wired international wire transfer, is there any way that is more simple with less cost to do it? -- Sofani : Why don't we try international wire transfer via online banking? Sean : Yes, Let's do it. -- How to do the internationalwire transfer via online banking 1. Login in at the page of accredited certicate 2. Enter the menu of international wire transfer 3. Enter sender, receiver, and receiving bank information Sofani : In case of Receiving bank, I send money to the bank in Cambodia. right?? Then, it is bank information of the bank in Cambodia In case of you Lipei: sinc you are sending the money to the bank in china, Sofani : so raceiving bank would be Chnese bank. Then, you choose the type of wire transfer 4. Choose who pays international remattance charge Sofani : Like if sender or receiver pays the international remittance charge International wire transfer has been finished -- * TIP How to do the international wire transfer via online banking 1st step, Login at the page of accredited certicate then Enter the menu of "international wire transfer" 2nd step, Enter sender, and receiver information 3rd step, Enter receiving bank information and information regarding the transfer 4th step, Choose who pays the international rematance charge 5th step, lastly enter the account pin number then, you are all done * TIP If you use online banking for the international wire transfer, International remittance charge can be discounted up to 50percent! -- Sean : In the future, I feel like i can do the wire transfer when i am busy I think it will be very handy Sofani : Yes, sure. I use online banking a lot. There is another thing that is handy when you use online banking which is exchanging currency * TIP You can exchange currency via online banking! Sofani : Yes. Once you apply the exchage, then you can go to bank you to get the money Sean : Yes! all done. 후원 금융기관 공동으로 조성한 새희망 힐링펀드 금융감독원
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IBK ONE Global - Certificate Issuance Procedure IBK ONE GLOBAL - Certificate Issuance Procedure Step 1. Launch IBK ONE BANKING GLOBAL and select Certificate Center. Select Issue/Re-issue a Certificate. Step 2. Read the certificate policy and Click the Next button. Step3. Enter the resident registration number. And the account password and then Click the Next button. Click the Send a verification code Button and enter the code received Via SMS. Enter OTP number or Secret card Numbers as required and then click the Next button. Enter mobile phone number and e-mail address and then click the Next button. Enter the certificate password and then Click the Completed button. Step4. Issued a certificate. ㅁ Service Usage Guide · IBK Internet Banking Existing Customers Step1. Download the 「IBK ONE Banking Global」 app Step2. Personal authentication and issuance, copy, other bank/organization registration of official certificate Step3. Use 「IBK ONE Banking Global」service · IBK Internet Banking Unregistered Customers Step1. Visit your nearest IBK branch with your ID card Step2. Join the IBK internet banking and 「IBK ONE Banking Global」 Step3. Install the 「IBK ONE Banking Global」 app Step4. Issue Personal authentication register other bank/organization of official certificate Step5. Use 「IBK ONE Banking Global」 service
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Occurring Remittance Commission Fee: 5,000 KRW, Telegram Fee: 8,000 KRW
Commission Fee & Currency Remittance Benefit Case
A Telegram Fee of 5,000 KRW will occur (in cases of receiving more than 700,000 won as salary to IBK bank account and sending money through Smart Banking or ANYTIME Service).
Depending on the amount of money transferred and how you receive it, the fee may be added.
Please note as reference that this amount may vary depending on the actual exchange rate time.
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